Adusumalli, Malathi

Climate extremes and loss and damage: Lessons from Uttarakhand disaster, India. - India: Beyond Copenhagen, 2013. - 46 páginas: fotos, tablas. 28x21 cm.

Contiene: Summary of major findings.-- Introduction.-- Methodology.-- The Uttarakhand disaster, why and how.-- Assessment of damage and loss.-- State response; rescue, relief and rehabilitation.-- Needs assessment.-- Role of warning, information and preparedness in disasters;, lessons from phailin.-- A reflection on the development model in Uttarakhand.-- What message does Uttarakhand disaster has of climate change negotiations.-- Climate change and disaster; need for a human rights based approach to disaster reduction and sustainable development.

Cambio climático
Desastres naturales
Gestión de desastres naturales
Biblioteca Ambiental (BIAM) Ministerio del Ambiente
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