Crabtree, John

Peru the background, the issues, the people - Virginia: OXFAM, 2002. - 91 páginas: fotos, mapas. 24.5x19 cm. - Oxfam country profiles .

Contiene: Peru and the peruvians.-- The figth for democracy.-- Peru´s beleaguered economy.-- Affirming rights.-- The natural environment.-- Conclusion.-- Facts and figures.-- Dates and events.-- Sources and further reading.-- Oxfam in Peru.


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REF 985.0644 / C84
Biblioteca Ambiental (BIAM) Ministerio del Ambiente
Horario de atención : lunes a viernes de 8:30 am a 5:30 pm
Av. Antonio Miroquesada 425 - 4to piso (Magdalena del Mar, Lima, Perú)